Hello everyone!
As alluded to in our Last Post, we’ve been hard at work making Prom Week better than ever. Not only has this involved tackling bug fixes, but it’s also involved the development of brand new functionality, the first of which we are proud to announce today.

If you’ll forgive a brief lapse into old-fogey-tude, it seems like all the kids today just can’t stop talking about their social media! I mean, heck! You can’t even surf down to your corner webpage without being presented with how many people ‘like’ it! And they are always going on about ‘posting’ this to their walls, or ‘tweeting’ this to the tweetosphere. Man. Kids today are so cool.
Well, with this latest push, you TOO can contribute to the social media arena, from the comfort of your very own Prom Week! The next time you log in to Prom Week, either on Facebook or on Kongregate, after social exchanges, you’ll now be presented with the option to share either a summary of what just transpired to all of your friends via twitter, or to share a link to the *entire dialogue exchange* with all of your friends on your Facebook wall! Through using Prom Week social media integration, your friends will be delighted by your ability to recognize funny things, and your enemies will want to become your friends and will therefore soon afterwards be delighted.

You can also tweet and/or share on facebook the Social Status Updates that the Prom Week characters themselves seem to care so much about. Now you can help spread the word about Naomi’s opinions on glass roses and Buzz’s love of Japanese swords.
And rest assured, this update is purely in the interest of some silly fun, and for sharing exchanges that you are particularly proud of. You won’t be penalized if you ignore the new social media features, nor is there any reward for making use of them. Well, no reward besides the fun of sharing a laugh over the plights and triumphs of some goofy cartoon high school students with your friends, of course.
That said, consider this an appetizer for several more tantalizing Prom Week update-dishes to come! We’ve been cooking up some new features that should make the game quite delicious indeed, especially for those of you who may feel that the game currently has been peppered with too much difficulty. So stay tuned!
And hey, since we’re on the subject, feel free to follow us on twitter @Prom_Week, or yes, ‘like’ us on Facebook at facebook.com/promweek.
Finally, for those of you may have have stumbled upon this site without knowing what Prom Week is, this video serves as a great primer for the world of the game and the “social physics” which power it. Enjoy!
[vimeo clip_id=”40632382″]